Search Results for: hijacked


She Hijacked Herself

Oh…Eliza Jane. Twice this year she’s hijacked us. And this time, she hijacked herself. It was a lovely Monday afternoon. Just the yesterday in fact. We were looking at a house for sale and first Emory had a dirty diaper…and as fate would have it I had ONE wipe in his bag. ONE. Andrew and…

My Day Has Been Hijacked

My Day Has Been Hijacked

I looked up “hijacked” in the dictionary and feel that my chosen verb has been used appropriately. Hijacked: to engage in such stealing or seizing. {emphasis ->MINE} Today was my day off.  I’ve only taken 6 days off this year as personal (mental…) days.  And somehow, everyone of those but ONE has been hijacked by this cutie: It’s like he has ESP or…