Month: August 2014


NO Sugar: Update

This is a confession. I am a big, fat failure. I can’t do it.  CANNOT say “no” to sugar.  I mean, I can do it for a day or two.  But, my friends, I cannot go long without it. I won’t rehash the last month and all of my indulgences, but I will tell you…


Daddy Luck

I debated on calling this post, “A Close-Call For Daddy” or “An Almost Daddy Hi-jacking By Reynolds” but decided on “Daddy Luck” given the destination of this topic. As some of you know, Andrew went out of town last Thursday.  To VEGAS. Yes, we have a 15 1/2 month old and I’m 8 months pregnant,…


The Next Step

With baby #2 on the way (right at 5 weeks to go…) we’ve been talking about stroller #2.  Will it be a side by side? A Tandem? A sit and stand?  Same brand as the first (BabyTrend) or something else…in which case I’d probably have to get a different car seat… x-( So.MANY.options!  I am…