Month: May 2015

Reynolds’ Boo-boo

Reynolds’ Boo-boo

No, Reynolds did not break his arm, wrist, hand or finger(s)….that’s just his “boo-boo” for his IV.  Anyone who walked into his hospital room would get an arm raise from him with a “See? Boo-boo.”  I think, though it annoyed him at times, he enjoyed his big blue boo-boo and the robot that came with…

Lily’s Flower Bed

Lily’s Flower Bed

It’s been a full month, I think, since I first posted about cutting our new flower bed.  When we first got the news of Lily, I sort of put the flower bed on the back-burner. I finished it tonight.  {Though I may add a border at some point…} I’m not going to go into a…

Thoughts From A Momma

I was going to post this yesterday, but then things just got a little nuts around here. Today was of course no different {what was I thinking?!} with me going back to work {the sabbatical is over :'(} and Eliza Jane getting diagnosed with a double ear infection {it was a close hijacking…}. So anyway,…

Update On Lil-bug

Update On Lil-bug

It’s been a couple of weeks since I first told you all about Lily, our 12 year-old Chocolate Lab.  As a recap: On Tuesday 4/14 I took her for a routine physical at which point our Veterinarian discovered some masses in her lower abdomen that raised concern for possible mammary cancer.  That Friday the results…

Paradise Savings

Paradise Savings

In yesterday’s post about our fabulous trip to the island of Great Exuma, Bahamas, I mentioned that today’s post would be about how Andrew and I save for our vacations. 1.  We don’t go on vacation every year. We recognize that we need time away….from the laundry, the dishes, the craziness of life.  Often I’ll…