5 Kitchen Faucet Styles
Today I’m thrilled to share with you five of my favorite kitchen faucet styles and I will go ahead and confess to you that I am a sucker for a bridge faucet. “What’s a bridge faucet?” you ask.
The prettiest kitchen faucet that was ever designed. Case.in.point.

Let’s “ooh” and “ahh” together over this one, shall we? 🙂
The bridge faucet can be found in a more contemporary streamlined style, but usually it’s on display with more intricate details like the above example.
Next up is the Wall Mount Kitchen Sink Spring Faucet
You’ll see this commercial style most often in hotel or restaurant kitchens, typically counter-mounted. The wall mount is certainly more modern and could be found in a larger home kitchen with a contermporary vibe.

The Most Common: Pull Down Spray Gooseneck
The majority of homes with an updated faucet feature a style similar to this one. The gooseneck has been around for quite some time and got an update over the last few years with the included spray head.

Traditional Faucet with Side Spray
This is certainly a more traditional faucet pictured below, similar to what you may have had in your home growing up. And though it’s a lovely faucet system, I feel as though the side spray is quickly being replaced by the newer pull down options.
*Hint, if you have a sprayer you don’t use, a plumber can repurpose that hole for a sink disposal button {on/off}.

The Pot Filler
If you are lucky enough to have a pot filler…I am jealous of you. How many times have I been mid-pasta boil and needed more water!? This model is obviously not a kitchen sink faucet, but certainly a hard working addition to any kitchen.
When we install a pot filler, it’s usually not with a microwave above the stove as that can create a tighter working environment. Generally we would just install a vent hood above the cooktop space, similar to the below.

I hope this post has been helpful or at least got your creative juices flowing if you’re on the hunt for a new kitchen faucet. Like most things I post about, there are so many colors, finishes and styles to choose from it can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to begin. As always…start a Pinterest board and start pinning only the looks you love! Soon you’ll be able to see what you gravitate most towards.