A Mom Moment…
Kids know just how to punch you in the gut, don’t they?
I’m not talking about the “I hate you, get out of my life” drama that I PRAY hard we never deal with…
I’m talking about the bedtime, “No, MOMMA, I didn’t want YOU to put me to bed. I want DADDY!” drama.
It’s often Reynolds who gives me the boot out of his bed {and seemingly out of his heart…}. And I’m sort of okay with it, some nights. Whatever, he wants his dad. It’s a guy thing, sure. Okay. I can get on board with that.
But Eliza Jane…seriously. The girls need to stick together here. We’re outnumbered….she’s supposed to be on MY team right?!
Tonight was going along great, she got in her nightgown, hopped into the bed and {flip! the switch}, she lost it. She screamed that Mariah Carey scream {that makes my ears start to bleed}, shoved her face into the bed and burst into tears. I sat there completely unaware of anything that had just happened…. Bewildered beyond anything.
“MY NOT WANT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY WANT MY DALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
She punched me in the gut. The heart. I was shattered. She was so completely distraught that I was the one to sing her songs, pray her prayer and wipe those sweet curls out of her face to kiss her goodnight.
HE didn’t push you out of the smallest hole in his body and provide your sole nourishment the first four months of your life, but whatever. Fine. You can have him.
I’ll go sit on my favorite couch and drink a straw-berrita while eating a half-pint of icecream. I’m not hurt. I’ll be fine.
I walked out of the banshee’s room and into Reynolds’ where the boys where having a lovely story time and recounted to “Dally” what had just happened.
“She wanted YOU, she just said it!” he stated, confused as I was. I’m pretty sure Reynolds laughed at the drama I had acted out for them.
“Well. She no longer wants ME, she wants YOU.” and I stood there with my pout-pout face on. And then I walked out.
And back into her room. I had debated going back in. She was still crying over Dally…
Somehow I got her pulled back from the proverbial cliff. She smiled and laughed at me…she told me she loved me with her tiny hands holding my face. She kissed me and said “night night momma, lus you” as I walked out the door and blew her a kiss.
I guess I did something right. My gut feels better…my heart no longer shattered. Maybe she does love me after all.

Praying you feel loved by the crazy people in your life tonight…Sweet dreams friends…
It’s amazing how that smile and “I love you” can make everything instantly better. <3