ALLL the Books!
I started thinking about writing this post and pondered, I wonder what I’ve written in the past about reading… So I went back and read a few posts from years gone by.
Four years ago {WOW!}, I wrote a post about Three Books and started off by saying basically, who has time to read?! and I’m not a reader!
Ha. Funny how things change in your life, right?
I am now a reader. Maybe not an avid reader like some…looking at you, Booba {my father-in-love}. Booba can sit down with a 10k page book and read it in two days. I’m not like him. But, I am a reader. Smiling as I say that because this is a major accomplishment for me over the past few years.
The other night, Andrew and I looked at each other, it was 8:45pm and we were both in bed, reading.
Are you laughing out loud at that like I am? I find it hilarious. My parents never did that. My parents, and Andrew’s for that matter, stayed up til who-knows-when, watching tv and falling asleep in their chairs. Anyone else have a snoring contest going on in their houses growing up like we did? 🙂
I digress… This particular night, like many others, there we were, kids were in bed and we were too. Reading.
Life is so different for us with three littles. We get up early, we go hard all day – just like many of you – and we crash at night. Reading has become a way for us to all ‘come down’ from the highs of the day. Work/school, play time/recreation/sports, legos and laundry…reading is the last thing we do at night before the lights go out.
Here are just a few of the books I have read this year – most recently the last 4-5 months – or am currently reading.

If you have any questions about any of them, leave me a comment and I’ll respond asap! I will tell you that I highly recommend them ALL. Each one, in their own way, has been a blessing in my life this year.
If you’ve got a book to share, that I could add to my reading list, please leave that in a comment too!
Until next time…
“Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World” by Kristen Welch
Life changer for me… wish I had read it when my kids were your kids age…
OHMYGOODNESS! Yes! I need to read this – TODAY! Thank you for sharing this one, Nicki!