Are You A Doodler?
You know what they say about people who doodle, don’t you?
The WSJ wrote an article in 2014 saying that doodling helps people stay focused, grasp new concepts and retain information. WHO KNEW?!
In the same year, a NY Post column referencing Sunni Brown, author of The Doodle Revolution, stated that we should be more concerned if someone isn’t doodling.
Rather than being a sign of disengagement, Brown says that doodling keeps our mind occupied and focused.
I’m really glad she said that because I am an avid doodler!!! I doodle all the time! Especially in meetings…
I just wonder, you non-doodlers out there…when you’re on the phone talking to someone…and they’re just talking, what are you doing if you don’t doodle? What are you doing when you’re in a really long meeting {like all day on a Friday…}?
So are you a doodler? I have a few employees that are not doodlers…which took me by surprise recently when I found out. I thought everyone doodled. But apparently not…
If you ARE a doodler and you’re curious about what’s behind your doodle, check out this article about “What your doodles say about you“.
Now, look in the mirror and say: “Doodle. Doodle. Doodle.” without laughing.
Enjoy your weekend!