As May Comes To An End
I am just amazed at how fast this month went by! But thankful for all the memories we made this month! Here are a few of the things I/we did.
Reading – I read through most the SRT study on Proverbs: The way of Wisdom, which was really fantastic. This study was more of some brief readings, focused on one topic {anger, humility, pride, etc.}, with questions to follow. That was some deep thinking for me at 5 a.m. while on the treadmill…
I also got to read several of my magazines on our trip to Disney {7 hrs in the car!}, which was a blessing to me because they were really starting to pile up again…
Playing – Same as April, we’ve played a lot outside this past month. From the backyard to the playground, to the upstairs before bedtime, there are lots of laughs that make my heart rejoice!
Watching – We haven’t watched much of anything of late. Sunday evening I was thrilled to have been able to sit on the couch after 9 p.m. to watch Caribbean Life. That’s just a glimpse of my very interesting life…
Showing -This is a fun one….my baby bump is starting to show 😉
Cooking – I haven’t cooked a whole lot lately…but I just tore out some recipes from the May issue of Real Simple that I’m super pumped about…like this Perfect Chicken Salad {I ♥ chicken salad…a lot}
Eating – I am really trying to eat healthy so I don’t have another baby the size of Reynolds {9.5 lbs at birth}; Eliza Jane was only 6.5 lbs because I watched much more closely what I ate with her…so here’s to small portions of carbs 🙂
Drinking – Water…gone are the days of mimosas…
Calling – I haven’t called anybody in a while…honestly, the last couple of weeks have been super busy with getting ready for our trip and then being at Disney – it was wild. I did call my mom on Sunday to let her know that no, we were not stuck in the flood on I-95, but that we were in fact home.
Texting – Andrew asked me if I wanted a milkshake from Chick-Fil-A, and while I answered “No. Thank u :)”, I really wanted one…
Tweeting – About our Disney trip – I was really hoping to find out who this girl was that got our kids to dance in the conga line! She was completely amazing!
Pinning – Food for the kiddos {WHY are they so PICKY?!} and hair styles. I found this pretty little twisted side braid from one of my favorite bloggers, Gal Meets Glam and tried it out last night. While my hands may have gotten a bit tricked up from going from the side to the back, I was quite pleased with my first ever real braid {I know, I’m so old to finally be learning how to braid!!!}.
Going – We are done with the going. Disney was amazing and I am SO thankful and excited {still!} that we were able to go last week. What a fantastic place, with my favorite people!

Loving – My babies and my husband. I know, y’all get tired of the gushing, but even after a week of really close quarters and a LOT of time spent together, I love them so much more!!
Hating – Summer heat? Is that too strong? Last week it was 90ish every day in Orlando and it was brutal. What happened to Spring?
Thinking – About the fun we had in Disney! I can’t wait to share the pictures and stories with you – starting tomorrow!
Feeling – Thankful. I’m just so thankful. The Lord has been so good. I am also really excited about the little one we get to meet in November ♥ .
Hoping – That everybody sleeps tonight? R’s legs were hurting him last night so that had Andrew up. EJ was soaked at 3 a.m., so that was fun changing her out of FOOTIE pjs…hello!? Best and worst pjs ever, all at the same time.
Listening – I love to hear the birds singing on our nightly walks…and to share their rejoicing with the kids. It is so easy just to go out for a run or walk, put in your earbuds or just tune everything out and miss so much. The birds bring me great joy because I know they are singing the praises of their Maker.
Smelling – GAH. I love my babies! So friends that live down the street inherited some pretty amazing rose bushes. And when we go for our walks, I’ve taught the kids to {literally} stop and smell the roses.

Celebrating – The blessing of pregnancy. I do not take it for granted because I know how hard it is for some to have this experience. I am overjoyed with thanksgiving.
Ordering – Today I ordered some new pjs from Carter’s for Eliza Jane {NO footies!!!} and a new duvet for our bed. Turns out that new duvet cover I got from Pottery Barn is a California King…and the duvet I got from IKEA is only a King. There is a slight difference in size…
I am also going to order a book of our Disney pictures so that the kids will have that to look at to remember all the wonderful things we did last week. Other than Shutterfly, is there another recommendation from anyone?
Thanking – The Lord for His blessings. Far too many things to count or name.
Considering – We have our annual Welcome Summer Party coming up and I’m trying to figure out the food situation. Last year we did shrimp tacos {which were amazing, thank you, Andrew} but we ran out of food we had so many fun guests show up! This year, we’re totally catering…I just have to figure out what.
Starting – Nesting. Is it too soon? I’ve decided to go one room at a time and clean up and out. Out being the key word. Andrew also has encouraged me to get help from a designer {I love him so much!} so more to come on that, but I’m excited about the possibilities!
Finishing – I feel like there is a lot that needs to be finished. Right now though, I’m going to finish cleaning up the kitchen so I can go to bed.
Do you know, last week in the craziness of our trip to Disney, I got 8-9 hours of sleep EVERY night?! It was amazing. When we’re home, I’m lucky to get 7. Tonight I am determined to get all 7 hours. So good night, friends! I hope you have something to rejoice over this May…it’s come to an end, and June will be here in the morning!