
Happy Wellness Wednesday everyone! I did my first Barre3 class tonight and I am not lying when I tell y’all that I could barely drive home. Barely. Drive. Home. My arms are mush. They are worthless to me. I might as well just lie around like a blob. I am totally freaked out about tomorrow morning…
I know you’re wondering if I’m actually doing this Social Media Fast… I AM!!! I am happy to report that I have only looked at Facebook 4 times – specifically to post on both mine and Andrew’s business pages AND to check up on my Fall Prebook for Sseko. I have also only looked at…
Well, as usual, it’s been an adventure in Lucas-land. Some friends have asked about Reynolds and his accident from last week: Last Friday afternoon I received a call from daycare…Reynolds had woken from his nap screaming and pulling at his ear. He continued this screaming and thus, I received the phone call. The teacher (she…
First of all let me tell you that Emory is home today due to a teacher work day at his school. When he is home with us, we never know what will happen?. Case in point: so there I was on the treadmill, because it’s raining yet again today, Andrew was sitting at his computer…
With all the hustle and bustle of back to school, I thought it would be fun to share some back to school quotes – found from the world wide web. Enjoy. If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers….
I’m going to start this post by setting the scene for you…as I write. I’m in the bed propped up by 5 pillows, watching “The Devil Wears Prada”. You’ll find out at the end, why… but please. keep reading. Today was a beast. Not because we barely slept or because it was ~94 degrees outside…or…