

Two Things

Two Things I learned figured out this weekend (not sure why it took me an entire 5 weeks): It takes a lot longer to get ready to go anywhere with two kids You take everything with you when you go anywhere with two kids Parent-friends out there, you hear what I’m sayin’, I know you do….


Images Of Joy

Appropriately named, Joyful Images is the photography company of  my friend Ashley, who did Eliza Jane’s newborn lifestyle session.  As I sat here last Friday, quickly looking through our shots, I became completely overwhelmed with joy. I am beyond blessed. I have an amazing, handsome, loving husband who has the bluest of blue eyes (and red…


Fall Has Arrived!

All the hoopla this week has been over the start of Fall.  Everywhere you go there are pumpkins, Japanese lanterns, hay bales, mums and scarecrows.  The covers of magazines show us all how to decorate our homes for Fall, give us the latest and greatest recipes for pumpkin pies, pumpkin scones and anything else pumpkin…

Our Glamour Shots

We had Eliza Jane’s newborn photos taken this past Saturday.  {Finally.} We’d scheduled them three times before but because of all this stinking rain we’ve gotten recently, we kept having to reschedule.  Finally, last Friday we switched everything up to be Saturday at 2pm with the high hopes that there would be sun, few clouds and…


The Kindness of Friends

It is an absolute blessing not to have to prepare dinner.  There, I said it. I’m not a cook.  It’s not that I don’t enjoy cooking, because I do…sort of.  If I know what to prepare.  I’m more of a figure-it-out-the-day-of kind of girl because I’m terrible at meal-planning.  My problem is I don’t plan…

Getting My Roots Done

This is a total chick post.  Sorry fellas. Today I got my hair done…read: my roots done.  Grays are gone again (thank you, Lord), and split ends have been done away with.  There’s something really refreshing about getting your hair styled.  What is it?  After I’m done, I sit there an run my fingers thru…