Celebrating Daddy
I’m a little late on the Father’s Day post so please forgive me.
Thankfully the day itself wasn’t terribly eventful (not like the day before…), just the normal: church, lunch and some rest.
I did, however, make a couple of errors on Andrew’s Father’s Day celebration…first off, I didn’t check to see if his restaurant of choice was open…and of course, it wasn’t.
Fail #1
So instead of pizza (yes, he wanted pizza), we went to Bonefish Grill. Somehow, I think I won out on that one…hehe.
Then, as some of my friends saw on Facebook yesterday, we’d planned on going to see the SC Philharmonic (Andrew was going on his own free will in case you were wondering). Well, I checked online to see what time the show was to start but couldn’t find anything. Nothing at all. As in, couldn’t even find that there was going to be a show. To which I said to Andrew, “are you sure they’re playing tonight?”. So then we looked on our fridge (where all things important are posted, right?) and there we saw, “All shows begin promptly at 7:30pm”. Ok, great. Babysitter set to be here at 6:30, we’ll have plenty of time to get there, get a seat and maybe chat a little.
We arrived at our venue, and there was a parking spot right up front! This never happens. As we raved about our amazing spot, I was realizing that people were coming towards us, as in towards the parking lot…seemed odd, but ok, maybe there was something else going on nearby. We walk in our venue and there was this sweet gentleman that politely said “Sir, may I help you?” We proceeded to ask, confusedly, “We’re here for the show, but is it over?” “Yes, it was at 4pm this afternoon. I’m so sorry. I had another gentleman earlier with the same issue.”
Fail #2 of Father’s Day.
What now? We drove around trying to decide where we should go because, by golly, we’d gotten a babysitter, we’re NOT going home yet! We ended up at a local restaurant where we sat on the patio for a good hour or so, enjoying one another’s company. It was so nice to be able to look squarely at my beloved for that long, uninterrupted, and bask in the joy that I have when I am with him. It was perfection.
For my own daddy, he was the first man I ever loved. The one who taught me much about life, including sports {your welcome, Andrew} and how to have a quiet spirit. I wanted to share this video that a friend sent out on Friday. It pretty much sums up all the emotions I have when I think of my “Daddy”.