Christmas Poinsettia Earrings :: Then & Now
Then :: The Story
I don’t really remember how old I was, or the year, but I can vividly see my mom and I driving to our local craft store, buying all our supplies and then sitting for hours at our kitchen table making Christmas Poinsettia earrings.
We wore these jewels with pride and gave them to several friends that year…I wonder if anyone kept them like I did.🥰

Tucked away in a neat little box that sits on the desk in my home office, these earrings are a little reminder of the cherished moments and memories with my mom.
I wore them a couple of years ago, chuckling at my immature crafting skills then and even now. But it didn’t really matter because there was a really good story to go with these misfit earrings. “I made them with my mom when I was a little girl.” I would say. And that was enough for an “ooh” or “ahh”, or the kind expression from a friend.
Now :: This Year’s Earrings
Just a few days ago I was really wanting to purcase a ‘current’/more stylish pair of Christmas earrings so of course I scoured the internet. And lo and behold, if Instagram didn’t catch on and throw Dos Femmes into my feed. And better yet, it was this gorgeous pair of Christmas Poinsettia earrings.

Dazzling in their beads and gold-thread beauty, of course I took it as a little God-wink and clicked the button. They arrived in the mail yesterday and I almost teared up at the thought of how much my mom would love this pair of Christmas beauty.
The then and now certainly makes me smile…

What Christmas memories do you have with a parent or loved one that could be a then & now?