Columbia Down Under – Tour of the Past

One of my most favorite movies as a child was “Parent Trap” – the {better} original with Hayley Mills. Remember the part where Susan has gone to Boston to spend time with her mother (while impersonating her sister, Sharon) and meets her grandfather for the first time. There on the staircase, she hugs him and…
First of all, I want to thank all my mom-friends out there who encouraged me with the whole Great Plate Challenge er, challenge that we’re going through with two littles. I felt encouraged by your words and even better that we’re not alone in this stage of toddlerhood. We can do it!!! Together… Second, Eliza…
I have struggled for a few weeks now over topics to write about – things that you might care about reading {what do you care about reading, anyway? :)}. And that has landed me in a huge black-hole of nothingness. My brain really does not function well when I am pregnant… Plus I sort of…
Happy Monday, Friends!! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Eliza Jane is finally on the mend! Really! After four days of fever last week and a mild rash on Sunday…I think we’re finally in the clear. Bless her sweet heart…she was having a tough go of it! So…today is Monday! and we’re half-way…
As I arrived home from my lunch date today (so good to see you, Catherine!!) Andrew was at home having his lunch. A hodgepodge of leftovers…thanks for cleaning out the fridge, love 🙂 We sat down at our bar-top kitchen table and while he ate I pondered our dinner menu for the week. I was thinking earlier…
I continue to be emotionally and spiritually overwhelmed. I found myself in tears Friday night over a post on Facebook where someone was asking for more feminine products to be donated to a shelter. I am normally not so emotional. Seeing our city, the normal places that have been either completely destroyed or mostly so…has…