Coming Down From The Mountain: Day 1 of Abundance
Well it was a whirlwind of a weekend for us {the whole family really}, especially Dana and Me.
Florida and back in 24 hours. I know some of you have done that, but man, that’s a lot of riding and driving in a short span of time!
Ah, but it was SO worth it.
Friday morning we did our normal routine, I dropped my babies off at school and then instead of going to work, I went to Publix. Sometimes I like to think I’m a good wife. I bought milk so Andrew wouldn’t have to. That’s it. One gallon of milk. And then I went home and did my nails. Ha!
I had already packed all my bags and everything was in the car. For the next hour or so it was quiet time, prep time for me and my heart/mind.
At 9 I left our home and drove to Starbucks to pick up “coffee” for Dana and me so that we could hit the road with something hot and yummy in our hands.
By 9:40ish we were on the interstate, excited and expectant for what we were going to be taking part in later that day.
Thankful for safe travels and sweet conversation, we were at our lovely hotel by a little before 3.
We had a little time to rest and refresh before our evening began.
The schedule was like this:
5:30 – doors opened
7 – event began
9:30 – dismiss for the night
9:45 – lights out….ha. That wasn’t really in the schedule, but we were asleep by shortly after 10!
We ate a REALLY early dinner and then walked over to the Ocean Center Arena, where the wind whipped our curls back to straight and just about took us off Mary Poppins-style.
But the lights…the Christmas lights were just beautiful!

I was super stoked to hear from the girls that started She Reads Truth. Two sweet, southern belles who love Jesus and want the rest of us girls {well, themselves included} to be in the Word every day and are trying their best to help us all.
I was even more excited that Christy Nockels was leading our worship time. Her voice. This is one of my most favorite songs: Waiting Here For You← She has incredible talent and just about explodes for Him on stage.
Our first speaker was Kelly Minter. She focused on John 5. And for those who might try to go to one of these conferences {I HIGHLY recommend…click here for more info!} I won’t give away too much but she posed a few questions:
- Do you WANT to be healed? Or do you like the problem/issue/thing that you can use as your identity?
- Do you enjoy your sin?
- Do you want to follow Jesus and get well on HIS terms?
- What is your pool? What is the one thing that you think can make you well/give you what you need/be the end-all, be-all?
- How many times do I say that there is no one around to help me? There will always be someone better/faster/stronger/prettier/smarter/more creative/more talented…
- Jesus is the answer outside all other answers
So good.
Next was Jefferson Bethke. And this guy talked faster than DJ and Dana combined. And for those of y’all who know these sweet friends…that’s really fast. Holey moley. They should have told us to drink some caffeine before he got up to speak, just so we could keep up. The energy level at 8-whatever it was that night was major. I perked up in my chair so that I could keep up with him.
- Genesis 2:15 – What does God want? Intimacy → Into Me You See
- Do I put myself into a position that without God I would not survive?
- Psalm 40 – God doesn’t want my stuff. He wants ME
- Do you want to sit at the table and break bread?
- Do you want Jesus in your life so that you can have MORE of Him or so that He’ll give you what you want and then He’ll go away?
There were so many challenges put forth from the stage to us attending. But the two things I felt like I took away that first session were: 1. How many times do I say that there is no one there to help me when Jesus is standing right there? and 2. Do I put myself into a position that I am utterly and totally dependent upon God?
If you have any questions for me, or want to know more about any of this, please leave a comment or send me a message {links at the top of the page!}.