Disney : The Middle Two Days
Y’all, I totally didn’t expect there to be a week between posts and I’m really sorry! The first post, if you want a re-cap, was of Epcot and Universal Studios.
Here’s the next post on Days three {Wednesday} and four {Thursday} of our trip to Disney.
Day three was Daddy’s visit to Gatorland {nothankyou} but I thought I would share some pictures with you of his adventures in the swamp as well as what we did!

I do feel sorry for this guy ↑…he’s like an old man with barely any teeth. Still, he could have had my husband for dessert, had he really wanted…
Since WE were not planning on the gator visit with crazy Daddy, we opted to hang out at Disney Springs for part of the day. Mind you, the kids had barely napped the two days we’d been there so far, so they were both in need of a serious nap-day. And, Reynolds was battling some major allergies with swollen, red, watery eyes so he needed a break.

This was also the day that we spent some quality time at the Lego store…and Reynolds made some new friends, who helped him build a really cool rocket ship.

We had even more fun after nap time, and daddy was back from nearly been eaten by those gators…
A small sword fight followed, with Eliza Jane full-on charging her big brother!
That was all for Wednesday.
Thursday was SeaWorld and WOW, what an amazing place! We dropped Daddy off early at Discovery Cove and made our way across the street to SeaWorld.
I cannot say enough great things about SeaWorld…by this point in the week, it quickly became my favorite park for the kids – they were able to see, do, feel and experience so much than they had at the other parks we’d been to so far.
We visited the Dolphin cove first where we watched them swim, play and “talk” to each other
The kids literally wanted to jump in and swim with them 🙂
At 10 o’clock was the Dolphin show…and it really was spectacular!
My kids were completely enthralled.
After the dolphins we made our way around to the manatees and sea turtles that were in rehab
And I was having such anxiety about one of my kids falling into the water that we left shortly thereafter to go visit the sea lions, who were just basking in the glorious sun
I mean….this is the life ↑, right?!
After the sea lions, we went to Antarctica, to visit the penguins →it was 31° inside with them!!!!
It was really cold, especially after having been outside sweating for however long. Eliza Jane had no patience for the cold and was quickly trying to get inside my shirt…
She’s crazy.
After a short visit with some sharkswe found Daddy and got some lunch {yep, all that happened before we ate!}.
After lunch we met an Owl and some Macaws
And then rode a choo-choo train, where guess who?! was the conductor!
Last but certainly not least was getting to see Shamu and friends…this show was just as fantastic as the dolphin show!
These magnificent creatures do amazing things and left us truly wanting more!
That evening we went back to Disney Springs for supper and some fun racing Legos! I posted on Instagram that night that the Lego racing was serious…and it was. Just look at these faces!
One proud Lego-racecar-maker!
The last picture of the night…Reynolds wanted to have his picture taken with the Lego family 🙂
We are nearing the end…only one post left of the Magic Kingdom…hopefully tomorrow!