Easiest House Plants
Y’all know on Mondays I water all my house plants. So I thought, why not share with you some of my favorite varieties.
*No snake plants, fiddle figs or air plants here!

These are some of the easiest plants you will ever grow in your home.
- Peace Lily – You’ve most likely seen or heard of this one before. It’s the easiest of all house plants in my opinion because when it’s thirsty it gets really droopy. And as soon as you water it perks right back up again.
- ZZ Plant – I’m not really sure where this one got it’s name but it makes me think of ZZ Top. (I may have just dated myself 🙂 We added two of these friendly little plants to our office last fall and I have to say that they have quickly become some of my favorites. Non-fussy and drought-tolerant in case you forget to water him, he’ll bring life to any corner of the room.
- Philodendron Green – This one loves water and light and will reward you with beautiful foliage as long as you keep it happy. I would suggest using a planter or space where the trailers can happily spill downward.
- Foxtail Asparagus Fern – Speaking of names, this one has the shape of a foxtail so I guess that’s where it’s name was derived? An easy fern to grow in indirect light, just keep her thoroughly watered to ensure new stems.
- Prayer Plant – A smaller and more colorful bit of foliage to mix in with all the mostly green options mentioned above. Mine loves to be well-watered and sits below a lamp that stays on most hours of the day. She has nearly tripled in size since I purchased her three months ago.
- Thanksgiving or Christmas Cactus – My first ever house plant was a shoot from my mom’s Thanksgiving cactus she had been growing for years. Similar to many other plants, when this one wants to be watered, the end leaves will curl ever so slightly. They like to be kept moist, but never soggy.
- Corn Plant – The corn plant is not a fast grower, even with ample light and moist soil. I call this one, ‘set it and forget it’ because it is so easy.
- Succulents – MOST succulents will crave all the sunlight you can possibly give them, while requiring less water than the other house plants mentioned in this article. Allowing the soil to dry out between watering keeps them going strong.
Let me know if you have any of these or what your favorite house plant is!