Girl Post :: I got my legs waxed?
Today I got my legs waxed for the first time ever. My best friend Ann asked me the other day, “Why are you doing this?”
Idk. Maybe because I turn 41 this month and I’ve never done it before? I want to do laser hair removal but also I know first hand how painful that is…I had my under arms done a little over a year ago and while a major game changer, *holy ouch*. I just don’t think I can bear that pain, for that long, on my legs (especially my shins and knees – which I consider both as boney). Have you done laser hair removal? – please tell me about the legs if you have.
Back to the waxing.
I’m not sure which was worse, going 11 days without shaving or the actual waxing…
Here’s my take on it: apparently the hair needs to be the length of a grain of rice. Y’all, I was slightly grossed out at my person and my 10 yr old self was screaming, “please let me shave my legs!” Also, while Andrew was marginally fascinated, not in a good way mind you – he’d never seen me so unkempt, said last night, “Uh, can we do something about THAT?” ? I promised that I would follow through with my appointment today.

To be completely honest, the waxing wasn’t as awful as I had expected it to be. Call me crazy, but my girl Haley did a fantastic job – she kept me talking I guess so I wouldn’t really think about what she was doing. Nice warm glob of wax spread on my leg then *RIP!*. I may have flinched a few times but it wasn’t all that bad. It took about an hour to do both legs – knees down.
When recounting my appointment, Andrew asked if I yelled. Seriously?? I’ve given birth to three children. One weight 9.5lbs, one just barely made the cut off of the epidural and the third woke the left side of my body up so no, I didn’t yell. I can deal with temporal pain…
Would I do it again? Heck yes! I just have to wait 4-6 weeks and I’m okay with that! The results are really terrific and if this means I don’t have to shave as often, sign me up, sister!?
Now that my legs are silky smooth, I feel a trip to the beach is in order…wonder if we could make that happen this month? ?
Thanks for reading – ask me all the questions and until next time…