Grateful & Good Things
Can I first admit to you that I never dreamed the traction Monday’s post about Hair Dye, Botox and Lip Filler would generate?! You ladies are enthusiastic about staving off the wrinkles, gray hair and deflated lips. haha
But seriously, it was fun to read all the comments posted on FaceBook about who does what, etc. I’m not quite brave enough to do anything besides coloring my hair but you bet I’ll share here when I do!
So, today is Wednesday and while I don’t have really anything earth-shattering to share, I did want to encourage you to think on something or someone for which you are grateful today. Andrew and I have tried {sometimes we forget} to ask our kids at the dinner table each night to tell us either something that they’re grateful for or something good that happened to them, that day.
Kids are funny. Sometimes they squinch their noses and “uhhhhhh” for about an eternity, but finally they’ll give up an answer. And that answer usually sparks some sort of good/funny/interesting conversation at the table. It’s also something besides that blah question, “How was school today?”
I invite you to use this tonight, wherever you are and even if you don’t have anyone to say it out-loud to – I’m happy to listen! – acknowledge something you’re thankful for, or something good that happened to you today.

I’ll start by saying I’m thankful for my friend Sheri AND the good thing is that I got to see her for the first time today since February! We met for a walk this afternoon and got to start our catch-up conversation. She noted that we’re only about 1/3 of the way through our catch-up when we got back to our cars….there’s so much to talk about! Hopefully we won’t have to wait so long to have the rest of our catch-up conversation 🙂
Enjoy sharing your grateful and good thing moments tonight!
Until next time…