Greatest Fear, Realized
My greatest fear has been realized dream has come true. Seriously…I’ve been terrified this whole scenario would play out…and it’s happening, in real time.
Reynolds is sick today so you could say I’ve been hijacked (again? ha!) by a toddler.
I guess it started over the weekend…snot nose and all (poor fella) so we started him on the benadryl. Last night, well, around midnight, so technically it was this morning, he woke up and had a fever. Ibuprofen was administered by daddy (I was feeding little miss) and when Reynolds got up this morning the fever was gone but the snotty nose wasn’t and there seemed to be a little wheezing going on. Andrew decided to take R to the doc who, with us having a newborn, decided not to waste any time and went ahead and ordered an antibiotic for the little guy.
Andrew calls to give me the update and says, “I guess I’m bringing him home?”. Panic didn’t take over, but I did think to myself, if I don’t shower now, it will never happen. 🙂 Then I recited Philippians 4:13 to myself…part of a pep-talk and plea for help.
Reynolds fell asleep on the way home so he’s taking a nap (am I doomed for the rest of the day?!) and I’m plotting out what I can do (or cannot do) with both kids. Andrew said that his prescription was ready at Publix if I wanted to go get it. Dare I? Dare I take both kids, not just to Publix, but anywhere on my own? This is seriously my greatest fear. I’m not crazy. I cannot be the only mom who’s ever had a complete and total fear of going anywhere on their own for the first time with one, two, three or even more children. It’s scary. I’m not there yet. I laughed and said, “I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere today.”
I’m mostly afraid of what might happen…this is where I have to “let it go” – cue the song from “Frozen”.
I CAN do this. It’s just one step at a time, right? Here’s wishing us luck (or rather, just pray for us!) that we all survive and are still sane by the end of the day!
Totally understand! I remember my first few adventures out with my two. Who goes in the car first? Who gets out of the car first. If I have bags, how do I hold the toddler’s hand…and the baby…and the bags?!? Here are a few words of encouragment. 1. You’ll figure it out, 2. When inevitably one melts down, or even worse, the dreaded double melt down occurs, remember ALL PARENTS HAVE BEEN THERE. 3. You’ll do fine, enough said.