Hijacked – It’s Been a While
There were several directions I could have gone with this post. I even thought about prefacing with a warning to read with your perkiest voice because I didn’t want it to sound whiney, like when my current three-year-old asks for something to eat because he’s starving….
But then I decided to completely switch directions. It’s been a while since I wrote about being hijacked by one of our kids 😉 It used to happen quite often, when they were little and got sent home for all the things…
Well, Reynolds got sent home yesterday because he was coughing in class. It was a classic hijacking by one of the Lucas kids!
We are following all the school’s requirements at this point and waiting for a test result to come back before he goes back to school, hopefully and Lord-willing, tomorrow.
In the meantime, we are enjoying our cough-free home time together today.
This morning he had completed all his school work by the time I got home from Pilates at 9am. NINE am. He asked, “Momma, can we go on a walk?” Why of course! That’s what was next on my to-do list. 🙂
He rode his bike, we took Bleu and enjoyed the cool weather together. It was a shorter walk than normal, when we made our way back into the front yard. I asked if he wanted to keep going or be back home and he said he wanted to put up his bike and go back out, walking with me this time.

Andrew and I could be super annoyed that he’s hijacked our plans and having to be home when he seems perfectly healthy. And honestly, if I was still working full time at my previous job, I would be completely stressed out with this twist in the schedule/plan for the week. But today, I’ve decided to embrace the fact that he’s home, he’s well {still waiting on a test result to prove that} and we are enjoying being with him. We have even watched Home Alone and Home Alone 2…because, why not?
Until next time, and hopefully sooner…