Our 2022 Family Goal Planning
I’ve always enjoyed planning. At the start of a new year, I’m giddy with goals and tactics to make those goals happen, on time. This year is no exception. 2022 is going to be a big year and in order to accomplish big things, we have to write them down. The issue with a lot of ‘planners’ like myself is we tend to make our own plans and not share them with others. And then we get frustrated when they don’t go along with our plans. ahem. Other people just don’t make plans and fly by the seats of their pants. These are the people who make me crazy. {wink}
My sweet husband Andrew is a little bit like me and a little bit of the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants person. So he and I took our annual {only the 2nd} trip away, just the two of us to plan our year ahead. I was in charge of course…and he was participant numero uno.
Here’s How We Plan
We take along a short list of items:
- Sharpie Markers
- Large Post It Easel Pad
- Our Calendars – preferrably accessible in a way other than a smart phone
- Quickbooks/Banking Access
- Access to other statistics needed – business related
- Pens
- Notepad
We limit ourselves to phone breaks so that we are not constantly distracted by texts, phone calls, etc. We tell our team ahead of time that we’re away planning and that they’ll have to wait if they need us. There’s really no other way to stay focused than to put your phone away.
To start off our planning time we run through the list of areas we need to discuss. For us, we listed out all of our businesses and then added in “Family” because that covers all things related to our personal lives. Because Andrew and I run our businesses togther, they took up the bulk of our time and energy.

Planning for Family
I’m not going to go into all the nitty-gritty of our business planning, but I will share with you some of the planning we did on the family side. My favorite planner to use is the Cultivate What Matters PowerSheets Planner*. {They are currently 40% off!} I’ve used this planner for close to 2 years and it helps me keep what’s important at the forefront of what I’m doing each day so I stay focused on my goals. We took the areas below and broke them down for what works best for us.
- Kids
- Spiritual
- Financial
- Health
- Travel
- Marriage
I used Lara Casey’s method presented in the PowerSheets planner. We take each area, assign a number 1-10; one being a major area of focus for this year and 10 being an area we feel like we’ve got a pretty good handle on. Anything under a six gets a goal for the year.
A Few of Our Goals for 2022
Andrew and I enjoyed planning for this year and have already put into play a few of the tactics to make sure our goals are met. A few of our goals:
- Travel: Andrew + Michelle take 3 trips together; We take 3 trips together as a family
- Health: Michelle – Pilates 2x/wk, Orange Theory 2x/wk; Andrew – 5 mile Friday, Orange Theory 3 mos, then join a gym
- Spiritual: Weekday devotional time together; Michelle – continue getting up at 5am M-F/6am S+S to study God’s Word; Andrew set aside time every Wed to study for Sunday School
That’s not a conclusive list, but hopefully you get the gist of what we were able to put together last week. I’m thrilled for the goals we were able to write down, and even more excited to be able to check some off the list, even this month.
Once goals are defined, the next part is to list out tactics – what are the steps you can take every day, week, or month to move you closer to checking that goal off the completed list? Let’s get to it!
What are some goals you have for 2022?