July 2016…So Far
Every month that I write on this topic I am amazed that yet another month has gone by! Here we are in the second half of July 2016! And these are the happenings for our little family so far:
Reading: I have been a total slacker in the reading department. The only thing I’m reading is my She Reads Truth study – right now we’re doing “Mourning & Dancing”. August first starts RUTH and y’all, I am SO excited. I heart the book of Ruth and the sweetness of both God’ providence and faithfulness. I would love for you to join in on that study with me!
Playing: I love nothing more than to spend time playing with the kids. They are ridiculously funny and silly and my heart rejoices in our time together!
Watching: So I got a Fitbit a couple of weeks ago and I am almost obsessed. I’ve been watching my daily steps like a hawk looking for prey. It’s been a lot of fun challenging myself to get to that 10k step mark every day!
Trying: I am trying to go to bed earlier at night. If I go to bed at 9:30, I play on my silly phone until 10 and then I only get 6.5 hrs of sleep which is no good when you’re pregnant. So I’m trying to get there by 9. Trying being the key word.
Cooking: I want to cook, really I do. But we’ve eaten out twice this week and I’m ok with that.
Eating: I literally have had Zoe’s twice today and I promise you I could eat it for two meals a day, every day. Every day. It’s just so good.
Drinking: Water. Lots of water. Or as Eliza Jane calls it “wa-wa”.
Texting: There’s been a lot of texting today. Texting Andrew, Ann, Molly, Sandy {the cleaning lady – I need my house to be cleaned!} and Kelly!
Pinning: I’ve been pinning a lot of food, kitchens and bathroom ideas recently. Pinterest is a funny place to me. I wonder, do you pin all those things and then what? Do you actually do anything with them? I was thinking this morning as I finished my treadmill walk, I have all these fun “Kid Food” pins and I’ve never done anything with them. So this morning, I reviewed all my pins and actually made something from one/two of them – combined! Pizza roll-ups.
And, bonus! Reynolds and Eliza Jane both ate them at school today! Woot for me!
Tweeting: Nothing worth noting. 😀 But I enjoy seeing other people’s tweets…like the young people I work with – they are hilarious. Me? Not so much…
Going: Y’all know we just got back from a weekend at Amelia/Fernandina – which was wonderful. We’re planning another small weekend away to Charleston – hopefully in the next couple of weekends. And then we have a long weekend planned for Hilton Head with another friend and her family, which I am SUPER excited about.
Loving: Being pregnant. Feeling this little guy kick and squirm all day/night long is just the most amazing thing.
Hating: The hate. So much hate all over the darn place. Romans 3:10a: ‘Love does no harm to a neighbor.’ Anyone near you is your neighbor.
Discovering: Everybody knows this, but Starbucks mobile ordering is both fantastic and horrible. Fantastic in that I place an order when I am leaving my house, get there, walk in and there it is ready for me. Horrible in that it’s just that easy. I almost have no excuse to order every morning. Save the fact that my drink is $5 and $5/day on a drink is stupid.
Thinking: There’s a lot of thinking happening in my wild brain about our home and the bedroom shuffle that is going to take place over the next few months. Thankfully, Andrew and I get to stay put. Ha! Everyone else…get ready.
Hoping: To get my toes done this weekend? Is that too trivial? Not to me. My toes look gross. 😛 And while I can still bend over and touch them, I’d rather someone else do the scrubbing, filing and painting.
Listening: To a lot of Kristene Dimarco. And I also found a really fun beach music station recently that is a break from all the “music” about sex. blah.
Celebrating: I really, really hope to be celebrating Reynolds tomorrow night and his accomplishment of eating all of his fruits and veggies at school this week. We made a deal with him Sunday night, that if he ate all the fruits and veggies he took to school each day AND what he had at supper at night, he could win a new Spider-Man watch. It’s Thursday and things are certainly in his favor 🙂 Only ONE.more.day to go!
Smelling: I smelled fresh cut grass the other day and all I wanted to do was lay down in it. True story. Flashbacks of childhood games and walks came flooding to my mind.
Ordering: We’re still on a b-u-d-g-e-t {everybody all together now: BOOOOOOOOO}, but I did order something from Scoutmob this morning. They’re having an art sale right now, so if you’re on the hunt for some cool art…there you go. If you don’t know what Scoutmob is, a friend calls it ‘Etsy’s cooler, older sister’. 🙂
I NEED to order Eliza Jane’s birthday invitations because she will be TWO at the end of next month. I can’t even, y’all. TWO. What on earth.
Considering: Projects. What’s the next one? We have, I would say, three major projects that we’re considering. Only one could be done this year and while I can see the need/importance for each one…a decision will have to be made. Maybe we will draw straws. Or have the kids pick from a hat…
Starting: To nest. Hahaha. Oh, the nesting. I have a pile of clothes from R and EJ that I need to go thru and pass her stuff off since we know ‘Almond’ is a he… And then I have to get all of the boy clothes sorted…
Finishing: THE FLIP! I think I told y’all somewhere in one of these posts that we were working on our first ever house flip and it will be ready this weekend! I am SO excited for 1. it to be done. I need my husband back and 2. to show it to y’all because it is beautiful. It really is.
That’s it for me! What have you been up to this month??
Cannot wait to see the house! Now I, too, am yearning to lay in fresh cut grass and heck yeah about Scoutmob! Never was I aware that it existed. <3