Keeping In Touch
I’m going to go all sentimental on you today.
I was messaging some friends on Facebook yesterday and one friend, in particular, I realized I haven’t talked to in a really long time. Just her name brought back so many fond memories. So I messaged her to find out how her life is (with 3 kids) and to let her know that I’ve missed her. We had a really fun friendship back in the day – one that was real. You know those kinds of friends…and you don’t forget them…even though you might lose touch.
Like most of my friends of years past, everyone lives in a different city, and sometimes state. It’s really (REALLY) hard to keep up with friends in Columbia, and even more difficult to do so with those that don’t live here. Even with social media, texting and…oh, those cards and letters that I’ve been meaning to send. One day.
I had a conversation with a sweet friend about this on Monday, actually, and my friend said that she recently had some friends call her out on her lack of keeping in touch.
HA! Glad to know I’m not alone in this pursuit of trying to keep in touch!
She said she appreciated them calling her out on it, but admitted to how hard it is. Everyone has their own life. Everyone is running (in circles at times?!) 90 miles an hour. Not just friends who are married and or have kids (though it does get a LOT crazier), but even single friends.
A couple of months ago I was trying to plan a date with a girlfriend and we literally had to plan almost a month out and I thought to myself, “This is ridiculous. My life is NOT this busy!” Are you serious??! Ever feel this way?
So, back to my conversation the other day with my friend. She said I’d done a good job of keeping up with her. No I haven’t! Since she moved back to Columbia earlier this summer, I’ve seen her twice and texted her once every few weeks. She asked me about it so I told her that every week or so I run thru my text messages to see who I’ve not talked to in a while and try to send a text just to say “Hi” or “Thinking of you today” or “How are you, how’s…?” or even just a “I miss you.” Usually this will end up being a little catch up time, to see how said friend is doing, what they’re up to, etc. I guess it’s better than nothing, right?
Sometimes I think that it would be nice to have all this time to go to lunches or talk for hours on the phone, but then I know that would never happen. If not for my busy life, theirs. So my question to you out there is, how do you keep in touch with your friends – those living near you and those that don’t?