Like Father, Like Son :: The Tale of Two Fences
Last summer we had an incident where Reynolds cheered Emory on to drive our golf cart…at top speed, through the brick fence in our back yard.
Y’all, I cannot make these things up! I’ve told you before, there is not a dull moment or day in this family… Thankfully last year everyone was fine. Slightly shaken up and Andrew was a wee bit angry about the situation…but fences can be repaired, and so it was.
A year later…same fence, different vehicle, different driver.
I was already in the bed last night when Andrew came upstairs to tell me what he had done. I was barely responsive because it was well past my bed time, so I think I muttered something in an exasperated reply and thought, ‘we’ll deal with it tomorrow.’
This morning, in somewhat of a chipper announcement to remind me about his accident, Andrew asked if I wanted to see the fence…

Here’s how the convo went with him as we stood there observing the damage – and mind you, he’s the witty one.
M: When you ran into the fence last nigh…when you REALIZED what happened, what did you think?
A with a smile on his face: I thought that the fence was a little wobbly. It wasn’t a hit. It was a nudge. Like a love tap. An then, pfft! It fell over like a melting ice sculpture, like ‘I give up!’
M laughing: So when you got out of your truck and realized the extent of what you had done…what was your thought, honey?
A: Like son like father.
M: Is your father like this?
A: No, but Emory rammed the fence last year and I couldn’t be outdone by a 3 year old.

Then he stated it was society’s fault that this happened. “If I didn’t have to worry about someone trying to steal this stupid trailer, I wouldn’t have to back it up against the fence. It would just be parked in the yard, like it was all day yesterday and everything would have been fine!”

The kids all covered their eyes when they first saw it and I think they had the same response, “OHMYGOODNESS!”
Reynolds was very perplexed about the entire situation. Emory promptly walked over to the bricks and started kicking off ones that were still standing…
Then Andrew said, “This is how many home improvement projects get started, you know?”
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