Monday Muse
Sometimes I wonder if my thoughts are worth sharing. Am I wise or thoughtful enough. Will I chose the right wording or possibly hurt or offend someone.
So then I say a prayer, and write what’s on my heart.
Yesterday we had the great privilege of attending a Solemn Assembly service at our church. However many weeks have passed since we last stepped into our great sanctuary, and yet, it seemed like yesterday that we were there.
The day had already been full of Father’s Day-type activities so there wasn’t much time to ‘prepare’ to be there, but the kids were dressed {Reynolds wore his suit!} and we were excited to be back in the place we’ve called our church “home”…where we’ve met with Jesus so many times.
Greeters in masks…pews marked off with ‘okay to sit here’ type flyers…
It was hard to tell who was who, but in the back, I saw a friendly face – Emily and her family. What joy. I wanted to run over and squeeze her neck, but I refrained and simply gave her the heart symbol with my hands and smiled, big.
We took a pew in the back, sort of away from everyone else {a 3.5 yr old in tow doesn’t make for a quiet row}. The praise team was singing a beautiful song, “Heal Us”. The words go like this
Heal us, Emmanuel, here we are
We long to feel Thy touch
Deep wounded souls to Thee we fly
O Savior hear our cry
After a few times singing the chorus, we had a beautiful time of prayer. Pastor Wes led our time of confessional praying, by following the 10 Commandments. He read the commandment and the idea was that if you had broken or offended that commandment, to confess it to the Lord.
And then the hope seemed to be that one would repent and turn back to God.
Which brings me to a thought I had while sitting on our pew, trying to keep our kids from being so loud, so often ‘Christians’ get caught up in the rights and wrongs, do’s and don’ts… Are we/you/I doing what we do or don’t do because of religion {in the name of…}, or because of a relationship with Jesus?
What’s your motivation? Or even lack-thereof? Is it just because of a book or list of rules you read somewhere or is it because you’ve met with the Savior of the world and accept the grace He has freely given to you?
I think there are days and moments where I do or think because “that’s what the Bible says”. But ultimately, it’s because of a man. A man who suffered temptations and yet, was able to stare the devil in the face and tell him to get lost. And because I am not able to do the same, He bore the weight of my sin on His back. He took the blows to His hands and feet so that I wouldn’t have to. Because of HIS sacrifice for me, I can call upon the Maker of the universe…whenever I want.
And because of His sacrifice, I want to be a better person. I want to love better, more sacrificially. I don’t want to be petty or jealous. I don’t want to be mean or hurtful. I don’t want to covet the life or things that others have.
{chuckling} – I am certainly not perfect in any of this. Most of my struggles are daily, but praise be to God that His mercies are new every morning, great is HIS faithfulness {to me}. When I am weak, I call out to Him. When I am failing as a friend, a wife, a mother, a-fill-in-the-blank, I call upon my Savior for help.
I even take my ridiculous thoughts to him. The ones where if I said them out loud, I would be scoffed or chastised…
Anyway, if you don’t know Jesus, and do things just because you “should”, there is a better way. An easier way. All you have to do is take a leap of faith and trust in Him to be your everything.

until next time…