Monday Muse :: My Little Yellow House
Almost eleven years ago I bought the cutest little yellow house, in the sweetest little neighborhood, across the street from one of the kindest men I’ve known in my life. Today I sold that cute little yellow house to a lovely older lady who’s been living in it the past two years.

I often don’t allow myself the time to reflect on situations, etc. so here I go and to keep from getting too emotional, I’m going to bullet point things for you 😉
- I purchased this little house on my mom’s birthday in 2009
- Andrew proposed to me inside, after watching the final round of the masters on April 11th, 2010
- We came home to this house the day after we were married
- He and I built a privacy fence in the back yard
- We tore down a dilapidated building in the backyard
- We planted three flower beds, including the front flower beds which still contain some of my mother’s Irises and Daylilies
- We added a stone patio
- We renovated the guest bathroom – which included a bigger window
- Andrew nearly lost a finger during said renovation and spent 5 hours one Sunday afternoon in the ER across the street
- We changed all the knobs on the kitchen cabinets and spent hours debating paint colors
- We expanded the master bedroom closet
- We painted several of the rooms
- We replaced the hot water heater
- We replaced and switched the in-swing of the front door
- My dad rebuilt the railing on the front porch when he and mom came to visit when Reynolds was born
- Reynolds…my first born, was brought home to this sweet little house. We were so proud of his room when it was finished.
- We made homemade pasta in that house
- We stayed up way too late a few times with friends playing Mario Brothers
- We celebrated birthdays
- We played in the snow – like 8 inches one year the day after my birthday
- Lily was often found across the street at “Grandaddy Phil’s house” when we got home from work
- We took many walks down to the little lake and around the historic neighborhood
- We would sit for hours on the front porch talking to Phil, especially when it rained….
- Andrew chipped and putted in the front yard
- I used to soak in the jacuzzi tub after a long day’s work
- I could go on…
So many memories were made in that little house. I/we only lived there three and a half years, but the memories far exceed the time.
In case you’re wondering, we moved in July after Reynolds was born, seven years ago, because that cute little house was so far away from our work {a 45 minute drive}. It was one of the original houses we started renting out – truthfully, because it was so hard to sell – and thankfully, the sweet lady who has been living there decided she wanted to buy it from us.
While there’s a part of me that is sad to have sold it today, mainly for the memories we hold there, I’m grateful that it now belongs to someone who loves living there as much as we did.
Thanks for walking down memory lane with me today, friend. I’d love to hear about a place where you once lived!
Until next time….
I have mixed emotions about you selling your house. Glad for the lady that bought it, sad that you no longer have a reason to come and check on it. It was nice going down memory lane with you. Although kinda sad we must move on. Congratulations on the sale! ❤️❤️❤️
I know! We were so sad to sell it too but you know any time we can come eat with you at Sam Kendall’s we will!