My Day Has Been Hijacked

This is it! The last 10 weeks (Lord willing) of pregnancy! I can’t believe how quickly it’s gone by! Time flies when you’re having fun….or running around chasing a toddler! 🙂 I checked my app, The Bump, this morning just to confirm I’d not lost track and sure enough, it read “30 weeks – day…
I thought it totally fitting when we got home from the doctor’s office this morning and I opened up my January 2018 issue of ‘Real Simple’ to see the article titled, Your Sick Day Survival Guide. Somehow it knew. Bless it all y’all. I picked the kids up Friday from daycare and she had a…
It has been a full month since the last time I posted or even sat down to write. My whole world, and my family’s world turned upside down and sideways on September 21st. That afternoon I got a call from my Dad, in Niagra Falls, stating Mom had had a heart attack while they were…
When Reynolds was a “wee” baby I read to him every day. Looking back, I wonder if it was because he was just a blob, laying there on the bed and it was nice to hear someone’s voice in the midst of the quiet. And being that we lived 45 minutes outside of Columbia then,…
Back in March we went to an estate sale in our neighborhood {Andrew sniffs them out like a hound dog sniffs out a criminal} and scored a beautiful antique chest of drawers. Here’s Andrew and the designated furniture-mover-man loading it into the back of our truck. We got it home and our military-man neighbor helped him bring…
This week has been way overwhelming for me. Like, WAY. Like, over the top kind of WAY. I legitimately left work yesterday with my heart racing and had to say some major prayers in the two minute ride from my office to daycare to get the kiddos. Thankfully the Lord heard my prayer and did…