My Husband – My Hero
Slight detour right off the bat, so try to stay with me here…as a child, my daddy did everything in our home. We didn’t really hire people to do things in our home; he did all the repairs, all of the upgrades, everything. It was something I was accustomed to. So when I found Andrew (well, providence…) I was delighted (relieved, thrilled, in heaven) that he was a “fix-it” man. We replaced ceiling fans, put down new tile, remodeled a bathroom (in our little Camden house) as well as a closet and it’s all been some of the most fun with him.
Our sweet neighbor in Camden used to ask Andrew how he knew how to do all the things he knows how to do…most of the answers from both of us were: “from watching dad”. Or, just figuring it out…and of course with this grand technology age we’re in…YouTube! Then there’s also our beloved HGTV…but most of our ideas come from there, not necessarily the know-how-to.
Today I was home sick. We caught that stupid stomach bug that’s going around – why Andrew didn’t throw it back yesterday, I’ve no idea. All I know is 36+ weeks pregnant is not a fun time for it (though there’s never a good time…). Zofran is a miracle drug, that’s all I’m sayin’.
So in between naps, and checking/responding to emails, texts and the like, I watched one of my favorite movies “Julie & Julia”. I’d wanted to watch “Funny Face” but Andrew couldn’t find it (my bet is that R has hid it from me…) so this was the next best thing.
One of the sweetest subjects in this movie is the delightful display of genuine love between Julia and Paul Child. For whatever reason in watching it, I was reminded of this wonderful husband of mine. As I stated last week, he is the butter to my bread (taken from Paul Child).
Back to why Andrew is my hero…especially when it comes to fixing things. One small example is the dishwasher situation from last Thursday/Friday.
We didn’t have to call a plumber or anyone else to: first, put in the dishwasher or to second, fix the issue. If you recall, Reynolds and I had a bit of a dramatic evening while I prepared our dinner. Andrew finally got home and we ate our amazing dinner as a family. Once Reynolds went down, Andrew went to work on the dishwasher. Confident that he’d repaired the issue, we loaded up the big silver beauty.
I read the instructions for how to operate the new machine (it’s fancier than the last), put in the detergent and rinse aid and turned her on. She’s so quiet. A lovely sound when your kitchen is open to the rest of your home. And, bonus, when the cycle was finished, everything was dry. It was amazing. I told Andrew that his being able to install and repair was the sort of thing that would keep ME around!