National {What?!} Day!
Does anyone else find it somewhat hilarious that every day {literally} is “National {something/anything} day”?
For example, did you know that today is National Deviled Egg day? {guess what we had for dinner!!}

Our local news station will often tell us that it’s National Doughnut Day or National Chocolate Ice Cream Day….or whatever National Day it is…
Did you know that Thanksgiving Day is also National Cake Day? NOW you know, so be sure there’s a cake on that Thanksgiving dessert table!
December 2 is National Mutt Day….
To find the full calendar you can check these sites: site 1 or site 2
So this week there are two days that I wanted to play around with: Thursday is National Men Make Dinner Day {yesssssss!!}. And apparently this is a thing…there’s even a top 10 reason why men should participate in this glorious day. Also, Friday is National Nacho Day…somehow I feel like the two days should go hand-in-hand…hehe.
I had already written down Nacho Day – saw it in a magazine last week – and then last night Andrew told me about Men Make Dinner Day so I’m holding him to it! Happy to know that Thursday is taken care of by daddy and Friday, well, Friday we’ll be having nachos for whoever might want to join us! {I’m hoping to post some fun recipes before then so stay tuned for that!}
So all that to say, if you’re looking for a day to celebrate something, a color, a food, or anything else {Pop Music Chart Day?! Bike to Work Day?}, check out the calendar!
Have fun with it…there will never again be another boring day!