New Look!
Hey friend! I’m so excited to share the new look of Camellias and Copper with you today!
A couple of months in the making – mainly in my mind, but now in real life!
To share the honest truth, a couple of months ago I was having some issues with my site – the logo header had disappeared and in the process of trying to get it put back in I realized I’d lost all the original files for my theme {what gives my site it’s look}. Then, I couldn’t figure out my login for the company where I’d purchased my theme several years ago, so they couldn’t help me recover any of the old files.

>play all the sad music<
In debating, mostly in my mind, I almost just called the whole thing quits. Blogging takes a lot of mental time and space for me and while I do really love getting my thoughts written out, I was finding I didn’t have a lot of time for it. And thus I became discouraged with trying to pursue it.
Insert Encouragement
Between my husband and a handful of committed friends, I realized my writing is a good thing – yes for me but also for y’all. THANK YOU. When you comment and share posts, it’s a huge encouragement to my spirit. Remember when The Sursy went viral?!
Shortly after I’d received a good bit of encouragement to continue on with this blog, I also received some suggestions from a gal who’s been doing this a LOT longer than I have. Julie Blanner is an amazing blogger, foodie, decorator, all the things many of us aspire to be. She’s got a wealth of blogging knowledge and she suggested I change the look of Camellias and Copper.
Refined Theme
The new look you see is the Refined Theme from Restored316 with a few personal touches. I’m so excited to present this to you and welcome any and all feedback you may have. This is certainly a work in progress and I’m learning new things every day!
Reading + Writing
Though the look may be different, you’ll continue to see posts about our family and the wild things happening there, along with the newest C&C at Home posts. It brings me great joy to share all the happenings with Camellias and Copper with you all and my prayer is that you’re inspired to do your own thing.
Oh, and if you received a ton of emails from Camellias and Copper on Wednesday, my deepest apologies. User error when I made the new look go live. #stilllearning 🙂