No Need For Apology

Ahhhh. The love month. The month of looooooveeeee. X.O. X.O. How many of you are planning something special on Valentine’s Day for that significant other of yours? You have approximately 11-ish days {pending when you read this} to do something. Who just broke out into a sweat? hahaha. Don’t sweat it…all you have to…
Happy Monday, Friends! Today is, among a few things: National Drink Wine Day, President’s Day AND my big brother’s 40th birthday! Which is so incredibly hard to believe… 40 years… I remember when my parents turned 40, and to be in that camp so many years later seems so surreal. But alas, we are here…
Hi Friends! Happy Monday! I hope you’re off to a great start this week! We had some d.r.a.m.a. with the eldest of the two today, which was fun. But we’re hoping for an early bedtime tonight {daddy, GET OUT OF HIS ROOM!} so that he can get the rest he very much needs. {Repeat: DADDY….
I was reading something the other day from Jennie Allen about community. The gist of the piece I was reading was about becoming a better friend and finding healthy friendships. One thing she said in the article that resonated the most, with this current season in my life was, “It’s impossible to invest in dozens…
As promised from yesterday’s post about Celebrating Baby Brynn, I am sharing about my glitter heart garland. Months ago when I told Dana I wanted to throw her a shower, I started planning out the color scheme. I quickly came to the conclusion that it had to be pink and there had to be…
It’s been a year since I last wrote a post on this sweet blog of mine. I never dreamed, when I started Camellias & Copper, that I would go a year without putting thoughts down and sharing them with you all. I actually had a number of drafts saved from last Spring that never were…