NO Sugar: Update
This is a confession.
I am a big, fat failure.
I can’t do it. CANNOT say “no” to sugar. I mean, I can do it for a day or two. But, my friends, I cannot go long without it.
I won’t rehash the last month and all of my indulgences, but I will tell you about the last couple of days.
Tuesday and Wednesday I was at a management retreat with the company I work for, and as you can imagine, there were temptations all around. And I succumbed to the temptation.
Here’s how it first started: Tuesday morning when we arrived at our off-site location, I was met with a bag of candy. Sitting right in front of my face – on the table at which I was sitting. {Devil}
I kept saying to myself, “don’t do it”, but I failed. I must have eaten 5 or 6 mini bags of skittles, rolos, mini kit-kats and who knows what else.
Then, at dinner we had this amazing (HUGE!) piece of cake…and I ate it too.
Big. Fat. Failure.
So Wednesday morning when I got up I said to myself, “DO.NOT.EAT.ANY.SUGAR today”. Breakfast was fine, I stuck with the eggs, grits, bacon and plain biscuit (never you mind those carbs…).
I moved the enormous candy bag from my reach, to the other side of my table so that those on that side would be faced with the temptation and not me :).
I also made a small tent card that read: NO Sugar and placed it right in front of my “area”.
At which, two fellow (male) co-workers laughed at me. At one break I came back to see my tent card had been defiled…someone (he will remain nameless) wrote at the bottom: Sugar=Pain.
As the day went on I was crashing and burning. Our meeting was exhausting – good, but exhausting.
Just before lunch, I said, “I’m going to have 1 piece” and reached for a Hershey’s nugget. My tent card was taken and “NO” was scratched out and replaced with, “Very Little” by the other co-worker. They thought this was a game and I was certainly losing.
I had a coke with my lunch because I was on the verge of falling fast asleep.
By yesterday afternoon some of us were possbily nearing delirium from all the discussion and thinking…I was at least.
Apparently somewhere along the way I asked a stupid inquisitive question of our facilitator and my co-worker stole my tent card once again and changed “Sugar=Pain” to “Sugar=Painful to think”.
I did ok the rest of the day and got thru the night without any additional sugar.
One thing I have recognized is that it is helpful for me to have something right in front of my face to help me stay (somewhat) on track.
I’m at the last 4 weeks of this pregnancy with Eliza Jane and knowing that this is when she’s gaining her weight pretty steadily, I want to make sure I’m not overly contributing to that. Sugar=poundage for her.
So I’ll make my little sign for my desk this morning – probably putting it front and center on my computer monitor and pray that the Lord gives me strength for today to say “NO Sugar”…or at the least…”Very Little Sugar”.

hahahaah!!!! i love this!
You sure work with some clever folks. Better luck next time!
Haha! This was fun to read and to contemplate who participated in changing the sign.