On Being Overwhelmed and Anxious…
Yesterday I wrote a post summarizing part of a seminar/conference I got to participate in on Monday. In that post I spoke a little about being overwhelmed and/or anxious. Whether it’s related to the events of 2020 or not, we can all experience these emotions, physical paralysis and and other effects from either or both of these conditions.
Side note, I am no doctor, counselor or anything else with an advanced degree or expertise in these areas. I’m just a girl who deals with being overwhelmed and anxious from time to time, and these are my thoughts that follow.
I really wanted to ask first of all, what do you do when you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious? My big two are prayer and reading my Bible. Sometimes a walk or exercise helps me clear my mind. Other times it’s talking things out with either Andrew or my best friend Ann. I find when I hold it all in…like a ticking time bomb, eventually I’ll explode. And that’s certainly not ideal for me or those around me.
Let’s start with being overwhelmed. I for one can become paralyzed and distant when I am overwhelmed. You?
Churning in my innermost person of all the things that need to be done, but yet, I can’t figure out where or how to start. Sometimes it helps to talk it out with Andrew, so he can help me untangle that which keeps me stuck and then I start writing lists. The lists help me sort out visually the tangles in my mind and then I am able to realize that everything that needs to be done doesn’t HAVE to be done now or today or this week.
When I finally am able to muster the energy and determination to start, I’m in a good place…but it can take me some time to get to that starting line.
A simple phrase, that we all learned from Nike way back when, is “Just Do It.” And I tell myself this a lot when I continually procrastinate on something that I know would just be DONE if I would do it already. Hello, laundry.
When I am feeling anxious I remember that I am a child of the living God. There’s a card framed on my desk at home that I received from a former co-worker a couple of years ago that reads:
I am a daughter of the conquering King.
Greater is He who lives in me than he who lives in the world.
I know this. I believe this. I commit to live this. And because of this, I will live a life of victory that brings honor and glory and praise to my King.
MY King. He is mine and I am His.

When I am anxious, most of the time it has to do with my lack of control. Anyone else out there a control freak? Geez. Isn’t it so annoying?! I hate being this way – it is the thorn in my side.
So yes, I can recognize, after some 20+ years of trying to figure it out, that most of my anxiety stems from not being able to control that which is around me. Mostly situations.
The question I often have to ask myself in these moment is, “Do I trust myself more than God?”
What a question, right? The answer is no. But maybe it’s a “no?” instead of “NO!” Anyone else struggle with that?
Could we remember together that God is good. God is sovereign – Romans 8:28. He is on the throne when there’s chaos swirling around me. He lives in me by His Spirit and goodness knows I am so thankful for that truth.
He gives strength for today. His mercies are new for each day. Sister, if you are struggling with being overwhelmed and/or anxiety, I encourage you again today to talk to someone. You are most certainly never alone, especially if you claim Christ.
Thank you for allowing me to share my heart with you again today. Until next time…