Saying “No” to Sugar

Since I got Eliza Jane and Reynolds’ outfits for Eliza Jane’s first birthday party the other day, I thought it only fitting to share with you all my sweet friend Jenn at InStitches Designs. Some of you know her but for others of you that don’t, here’s a little Q&A to help you get acquainted!…
I’ve always enjoyed planning. At the start of a new year, I’m giddy with goals and tactics to make those goals happen, on time. This year is no exception. 2022 is going to be a big year and in order to accomplish big things, we have to write them down. The issue with a lot…
I am officially four days late to the 2016 Blogtember Challenge this year! Although, I’m late, I think I came in on the best day! Today’s post-prompt is “Most Memorable Birthday” and mine was definitely my 30th. 2010 overall was a very good year. I got braces…for the second time. I had my 30th birthday,…
Tonight as I was spending time with Reynolds before I told him goodnight, I asked him what song he wanted to sing. “Oooh, giii-ja jaaaane” was the sweet reply. When Andrew and I found out we were pregnant with baby #2 I knew immediately the name if it was to be a girl: Eliza Jane….
I have been thrown into a complete tailspin. I took a Myers Briggs {or is it Briggs Myers?} type test today to see if my personality has changed any. Here’s the deal. I am an INTROVERT. Say it slowly with me: IN.TRO.VERT. But when I tell people that they act shocked, like I punched them…
Today I started the part of my sabbatical that includes manual labor. Nothing gets me more in touch with myself and God than being outside…digging in the dirt. I can’t explain it. It truly is my happy place – well, there or being on some body of water {preferably a lake}, but you get it. It’s…