Send Me a Letter

I was reading something the other day from Jennie Allen about community. The gist of the piece I was reading was about becoming a better friend and finding healthy friendships. One thing she said in the article that resonated the most, with this current season in my life was, “It’s impossible to invest in dozens…
The Happy Man in Pretty Woman said, “Welcome to Hollywood! What’s your dream?….Some dreams come true, some don’t; but keep on dreamin’….Always time to dream, so keep on dreamin’.” I had lunch today with a sweet girlfriend and found myself wondering more about my dream in life. What’s my dream? I don’t really feel like I know…not…
I think I’ve mentioned before that I work with a pretty fantastic group of people. Well a week or so ago, Breanna came to me and asked if we could do a white elephant party….BYOL {bring your own lunch}…and of course I said yes. I mean, how could I say no to something so fun,…
For weeks we had warning. “Don’t forget to ‘Spring Forward’” we were reminded. I even got this terrible meme from a friend Friday morning, to share with my staff: See, I told you it was terrible. {It’s even wrong…’turn back’?} I still laughed. But seriously, how many of us woke up Sunday morning wondering what…
Does anyone else send out Valentines? I’m not talking about kids to kids, but from you to your friends and families? Well, I haven’t done it either…at least not for a long time. I used to send them to the kids of good friends and then fell off the wagon. So this year I thought…
In the fall of 2019 Andrew and I purchased a trip to the Amalfi Coast, Italy. The purchase price included round trip airfare, 2 hotel stays and day trip to the island of Capri. The rest was for us to figure out on our own, and being adventurers {we don’t really sit still}, I knew…