Spring at Swan Lake
To all the sweet friends and strangers who read my blog, thank you. Since it’s been a while since I wrote a legit post, I thought I might update you all on what’s been going on, because I guess you’ve been wondering. To keep me on track, I’m going to use my favorite Blogtember…
This is a confession. I am a big, fat failure. I can’t do it. CANNOT say “no” to sugar. I mean, I can do it for a day or two. But, my friends, I cannot go long without it. I won’t rehash the last month and all of my indulgences, but I will tell you…
I’m going to go all sentimental on you today. I was messaging some friends on Facebook yesterday and one friend, in particular, I realized I haven’t talked to in a really long time. Just her name brought back so many fond memories. So I messaged her to find out how her life is (with 3 kids)…
I have no idea how many of you friends, neighbors, acquaintances, even family members and strangers {who read my blog} have had miscarriages. I’ve even wondered over the last few weeks, with every woman that I’ve seen or talked to, if she’s known the loss I have. What I do know are the stats: 10-20%…
I am Georgia born and raised so I speak this “language”…I have no idea where this originated, but I found it on my Facebook wall this afternoon {from 2009} and since it gave me a few chuckles, I thought I would share it with you! 1. A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in…
My tattle-tale self says, “Andrew broke my camera.” And this is what happened: Yesterday, Reynolds and I were putting up the Happy Birthday banner for Eliza Jane’s birthday {birthdays start about 2 weeks early in our home…and yes, I can barely believe that she will be ONE in 13 days}. I grabbed the camera, thinking…