Standing Firm
As 2019 came to a wrap I was reminded of my word for the year, Peace. You may recall I wrote a post in February {read it here!} about my word of the year – and how odd I found that my word was ‘Peace’. We don’t always know the answers going into something new, like a new year, but we remain steadfast and joyful, and jump in with both feet, hopeful and expectant.
Well, 2019 was full of trials and moments of distress among happy and joy-filled memories with family and friends. The peace that I wasn’t so sure I needed, or even wanted at the beginning of the year, was showing me how deeply I craved it.
The Lord knew, of course. John 14:27 sums it up pretty simply: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
The world and what she has to offer doesn’t lend the peace I desperately need, only Jesus can give it; it can only be found in Him.
Resting in His sometimes in-explainable peace, I move forward into 2020 with my new word for the year, based on DaySpring’s quiz…Stand.
Another seemingly odd word for me…I giggled a little when it showed up on my screen, wondering what in the world… What would this mean for 2020. I shrugged my shoulders and opened the email that I received to further encourage me with this new word. I found enclosed in the email several verses of scripture in the form of wallpaper for my phone and shareables to…well, share.

This is the one I made my home screen on my phone. It ‘spoke’ to me in several ways:
1. Be alert – 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. He nearly got me in 2019.
2. Stand firm – not just stand, but stand FIRM. Know in whom you believe and don’t just stand, but stand firm, determined, steadfast in what He has done for you/me.
3. Do everything in love – read those words slowly.
Do everything, not just a few things, not just when I feel like it, but rather, do everything. In love. In serving. In being 51% of every relationship. Out-doing the other person in the relationship. Romans 12:10 says, “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” And not out-doing as in some sort of competition or for a reward, but out of love for the other person and of the Father.
While I am realistic in knowing there isn’t some magic potion to make all of this just happen – to change me to be the person I want to be, I know by God’s grace, His strength, His might, I can do all things in Him. It is my desire to be joyful and content in Him. To stand firm in my beliefs of who He is, who I am in Him and where He calls me.
I have no idea what 2020 holds for me, but I am expectant and joyful in knowing Who goes before me and prepares me for His good works, Ephesians 2:10.
My prayer for you in this new year is that you find whatever it is you need, in Him. He is better. <3