My friend orange crush and I met again today. This is the 2nd time this pregnancy I’ve had to do the glucose test. My opinion remains the same, I’m happy to do whatever I need to do in order to have a healthy pregnancy and baby.
But it is gross. And 50g of sugar at 8am is enough to give me an immediate headache and make me feel full the rest of the day. Not to mention I’ve not had nearly this much sugar in almost two weeks so the shakes inevitably will kick in at any moment.
Remember the post of saying no to sugar? Well, for the most part I have. I’ve not indulged in the donuts (well, except one on national donut day last Friday but you knew that was going to happen!), the cupcakes and cakes that have flooded our kitchen at work. I’ve also not had my daily intake of coke (29g of sugar!), though I may have split a coke or two in the last 2 weeks but certainly not every day. So with all the cutting out and avoidance I’ve done, today will surely be interesting. I have a feeling that I will “crash and burn” around noon. Can’t wait!
You may be asking why am I having to do the glucose test twice. I didn’t fail the first one. As my dr said this morning “you were really good at growing your last baby”…aka your last one was BIG. Reynolds was large, weighing in at 9.5 when he was born, but he wasn’t massive like these crazy ladies you hear about with 13 and 15lb babies! That’s just insanity to me. Doc said (like my aunt) you may just be really good at growing babies and that’s fine, we just need to be sure. Why, thanks doc, I’ll take that as a compliment…
He said that we have to be sure that I’m not at risk for diabetes. Followed up with, “and wow, you passed the first one with flying colors.” So…why am I having to do this again? Oh, right for the health and safety of my baby and me. Right. Got it.
So my orange crush and I had our 5 min of drink time (it takes that long to get the whole thing down without it coming back up) and now we wait for the results. This is all for the well being of our sweet baby girl, Eliza Jane, whom I’m getting more and more excited about meeting (but not too soon!). Mainly because of the constant dance parties and kickboxing matches she holds in my belly.