Andrew and I are going to be taking a little trip here in the near future, with Reynolds…to the beach. Reynolds’ first EVER trip to the beach. I’m pretty excited.
I hope I can get a picture of him like this:
but hopefully not like this 
I was reminded today at how different things will be. I was in Publix picking up a french loaf for our dinner tonight when I saw one of Andrew’s friends. A great guy named Shawn who was there picking up “snacks” for their weekend to Tybee Island (he wasn’t even sure where it was…). It’s his wife’s 30th birthday and 20 or so people are going. It sounded overwhelming to me honestly, but I’m sure they’ll have a great time.
Then I was thinking about how the other night I start asking Andrew questions about our weekend get-away…like, does the hotel have a pack-n-play or do we need to take ours? Is there a refrigerator or do we need to pack a humongous cooler? Then he gets overwhelmed. He’d rather be with the 20+ people living it up at Tybee. JUST KIDDING.
But seriously, when I started asking him questions he says to me, “gosh, I haven’t thought about any of that.” It’s because I’m a planner. And a mom. Right?
Well, I started thinking about it because all of of sudden this vision pops in my head:
This is what our vehicle is going to look like, right? I mean, we’ve only been on a few trips with Reynolds so far and I can honestly say we took everything. EVERY.THING. You don’t know what you’re going to need. And if you don’t take something, you’ll get there and beat yourself up going, why didn’t I bring that?! I thought about it, why didn’t I grab it?! duh.
Well, I have a few ideas of things we certainly NEED to take: sunscreen, snacks, towels, bathing suits, DIAPERS, wipes…and the list goes on. Thankfully, we’re not going to a remote island so there will be a store nearby in case we need anything else…Lord willing the budget will comply. 🙂
In this vacation season, I hope you’re taking time to go somewhere, even if just for a weekend. Make a list, check it twice (different holiday!) and just go! Get outta town and enjoy time with your family and friends!
I’ll fill you all in on the “post-trip” once we’ve gone to tell you all how wonderful and exciting it was…because I think it will be!