Oh, Target

What is it about this place that makes one lose all financial control? Of course I’m not talking about me, personally. Though my husband might disagree (at times).
But let’s be honest. You walk thru the door, confident that you will stick to that shopping list that you spent all of 5 minutes compiling and telling yourself, I will NOT purchase anything not on this list. Gameface.
So, how’d you do?
Was it the HotSpot that first threw you off your game? I’ve been there, I understand. You can tell me.
Or, if you managed to steer your little red and grey cart past the HotSpot, where did you give in? The clothes, the accessories, the SHOES? Electronics? or the baby section? For me, it would be the baby section. The clothes are so stinking adorable! Or the Home section. Or right now, in this warm, get outside and enjoy the weather, the Outdoor Living section!!! Ugh.
Are you like me?
When you know you have the time…you just peruse? Mindlessly wandering and thinking about all the things that you could do with this, and that would look so great in this room and “I need this”!!! And then you get to the register and wait, how did that get in there? and this? someone has taken over your arms and loaded your cart with all these things that were NOT on your list!!!!
Today I went to target. The HotSpot sucked me in. Then I opened my Cartwheel app and had the, “oh, yeah, I do need this.” and “Let me look for that thing that I was thinking about the other day” moment. Massive fail on sticking to the list.
How do you do when going to Target? If you always stick to your list, how do you do it? I need all your secrets!