The Garden, The Curtain & The Cross : An Easter Book
The other night I shared with y’all the treats I picked up for the kids’ Easter baskets this year. At the end of the post I mentioned that there was one more book that I had purchased for R & EJ, and was going to share with y’all tonight.
This is it:
I love the caption at the bottom: The true story of why Jesus died and rose again.
Like any good book, you must start at the beginning…
In the garden, with Adam and Eve.
You know that part…they had everything that was perfection.
Then, the snake came on the scene and temptation was not squashed.
There was the great “fall”. Now sin abounds and there was no remedy.
Fast forward a little, to when Jesus was born….he lived a perfect life for us.
Then, as Reynolds would say, the “bad guys” got him and put those nails in his hands and that crown of thorns on his head. And hung him on a cross, between two thieves, to die.
It’s such a great little book, reminding us of the curtain in the temple…and how on that fateful day, it tore!
HE gives us access to the Father. “I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – 1 John 14:6
And again, like any great book, there’s a perfect ending…the invitation to be with Jesus & God forever…all because of what Jesus did for us.
How fitting that I didn’t get to post this last night as originally planned, but rather, tonight on Good Friday.
He is the Savior of the world. The perfect lamb of sacrifice. He is our Intercessor and greatest of friends. He is the one who makes all things new. Who washes me white as snow, taking away all of my sin.
Happy Good Friday friends. I pray your Easter is full of joy and exultations for the One who gave it all.