This Week : Holy Week
Happy Monday, dear friends!
Today when I picked up the kids from daycare, the board in Reynolds’ room noted that they started talking about Easter today.
As we sat down for supper tonight Andrew and I asked him some questions.
He knew the answers. He knew that there were nails driven into Jesus’ palms. He knew that there were “bad guys”. He knew that Easter is about Jesus {sorry Easter bunny…}.
Andrew made a point to tell R that Jesus dying on the cross was for him, for you, for me. He did that for us.
This is the start of Holy Week…well, technically it started yesterday with Palm Sunday.
This is one of the most important times for those of us who call ourselves “Christian”. It’s the week we remember all that Jesus went through, including the last supper, Judas’ betrayal, Peter’s denial, the unjust accusation, and His death on the cross.
If you’re still not reading She Reads Truth, I entreat you to participate in this somber, yet glorious week. Pastor Russ Ramsey is providing a real-time summary of the weeks’ events. As believers in Christ, this is a week to be fully immersed in what He did for us.
The sin of the world and all its weight was upon Him as he hung on the cross.
Will you join me in walking through Jerusalem, into the Garden of Gethsemane and up to Calvary?