To Color or Not to Color…
That is the question I posed to my cousin this afternoon. After I sent her a bunch of photos of my roots asking, “are YOU this gray!?”.
She lol’d me, and said “No not quite!”
She’s seven years older than I am…how did I get all the gray genes when she and I favor so much.
My entire head, if I didn’t color my hair, would be a disco ball of silver and gray. I am convinced of it. Even though Erin, my stylist tells me it’s not. Sometimes I think she’s just trying to make me feel better about my hair aging faster than I want it to.
I definitely don’t believe her. I sit in front of the mirror and after three weeks, I’m wondering how in the world my hair grows as fast as it does {blessing and curse, mind you}. I have so much gray framing my face and I draw a line through my hair with my finger…all I see is gray.

Last year when the world shut down I seriously considered letting my color go after going thru several cans of brunette dry shampoo. I recall talking to Andrew about it and him literally saying to me, “I’m not ready for that yet.”?
Maybe it was enough for him that I had already turned 40…
And maybe it’s because my birthday is tomorrow that I’m even considering this. Is it a futile attempt to keep my youthful appearance when I’m feeling old and worn out? LOL.
There was a night last week when I couldn’t sleep and somehow I stumbled upon a hashtag for women {#silversisters} who’ve taken the plunge to go gray. I was sucked in and found their hair to be beautiful and freeing. Strangely enough that morning’s verse of the day was Proverbs 16:31: Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.
I honestly think I laughed out loud when I read it. Was God really trying to tell me to stop coloring my hair?
I don’t know.
I do know I get tired of feverishly covering it and being self-conscious about it when I’m anxiously awaiting my next appointment. “Will everyone see all this gray?” “Do they even care?” “Why do I even care?”
All the questions we as women ask ourselves…
“Let it gooooooo” I laugh to myself…
What are your thoughts…if you color, what do you say about quitting? If you don’t color, would you ever start or why did you quit? I’m curious about what you’re thinking so please share.
And…until next time…