Tuesday Thoughts :: Easter Edition
Well it’s been a hot minute since I last wrote you all. The last couple of weeks have been full with spring break and other goings-on. And I’m sure many of you can relate that spring break often seems like an oxymoron, offering no break, but more in the way of adventures and to-dos. Rest assured, we were right there with the lot of you – living life to the fullest, sun up to sun down.
This week, however, we’re not on spring break like many of our friends. We are deep in the throes of school work, house work and, just work.
Today as I Write
It is the Tuesday before Easter, 2022. This morning my quiet time reading was in Luke 23. I thought I would focus on the week prior to Jesus’ death since Easter is this Sunday – it seemed fitting. As I landed on verses 20-22 I was struck by Pilate’s question to the mob as they called for Jesus to be cruicified.
Why? What crime has he committed?
It Got Me Thinking
As I sat at my little table this morning pondering those words, it got me thinking. Today, in 2022, a couple of thousand years after this all took place, we’re still shouting for Jesus to be crucified.
And what has he done?
The Question Hasn’t Changed
What crime has he committed?
Why would we want him dead?
Because he’s different – He loves like no other. He calls us to be our best selves. He implores us to think of others before ourselves.
And yet, we hate him for it.
We want to be the same. We crave our miseries and our sin. We desire to be enslaved to the things that strip us of joy and peace. We don’t want what he has to offer and what is that anyway?
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
John 10:10

The Truth.
The world and all its influencers tells us to keep doing the things that make me happy, forgetting about anyone else. But in reality, are we truly happy? We run hard in pursuit to look like, talk like and have like everyone else. Why? Because we want to be the same. Jesus tells us to be different. Jesus calls us to something much greater than passions and possessions. {I’m preaching this to myself btw.} Jesus calls us to sacrifice. To lay myself, my desires, my wants, my cravings at the foot of his cross, and take him in return. To turn away from the things that keep me from running hard after him.
He Alone
He alone can cheer me when I’m sad. He alone can fill that void when I’m scrolling for a new dress. He alone can satisfy my deepest desires and longings. No person, no thing, no glass of wine or piece of cake.
Only Jesus.
His word is the bread of life…filling the deepest recesses of your soul.
Ask him today friend, to come into your heart if you never have. He is the greatest joy you will ever know.
And in preparation for Sunday…the tomb is empty.