#TuesdayThoughts :: The Chosen
Andrew and I finally watched episode 1 of ‘The Chosen’ last night. For months I’d been looking at the app on my phone, thinking how I wanted to watch it, but of course with him, and there was never time {when is there ever?}. Last night I mentioned this to him, and he said, “why not now?”
Not having a valid excuse other than sleeping, we turned the tv on.
I’m not going to give a synopsis or review it for you, although I will say that it was much more than what I imagined it to be.
The ending was what completely gripped me last night. If you haven’t seen the first episode, pause here, go watch it, then come back 🙂 I’ll wait.
Episode 1 of ‘The Chosen’ and how it related to me:
The moment Jesus calls Mary’s name and she is frozen.
Then he recounts for her the verse she’d memorized as a little girl…

God you are so good to us. That you pursue us even when life has somehow gone wildly astray. Your truths you write on our hearts, and even allow us to recall them in times when we are desperate for a word from you.
You are never far. Always near.
Then when we seek to run from you, you call us by our name. Not a name that we’d been called by a group of people, but our real name. You remind us WHOSE we are; we are yours Lord. You speak words over us that we learned from ages ago. And then you hold us in your loving arms, when we realize who YOU are.
God we are a broken people who are desperate to hear your words, your truths, your love. Speak over us and through us and in us. Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear from you. You who speaks so beautifully.
Rescue us O, Lord.