Wednesday Wisdom
Some days I wake up overwhelmed. Do you ever feel that way?
It wasn’t anything in particular. I didn’t wake up in a tizzy over the craziness of my calendar {unlike the last two days…}. I didn’t have a terrible nightmare that had me in a sweat. No, I just woke up and felt the weight, the gravity of things that some people are dealing with and it drove me straight to the place where I like to be most.
As I sat down at my little desk for my Bible study, I glanced over to a little 3×5 note card…which listed the names of a few people who are in need of prayer. This week especially has been a week of some serious prayer needs for young and old alike. Friends have posted requests on social media, calling for ‘prayer warriors’ to intercede on their or someone else’s behalf.
As I considered the names, the stories, the petitions, I couldn’t help but feel the burdens, the pain, the questions. I’ve often heard that if you yourself are not presently in a difficult season, your responsibility is to pray for those that are.

I don’t have answers. I don’t have super powers. In most of these circumstances and situations, I really cannot do anything but pray.
Ah, but the power of prayer…[it] should not be underestimated. It is a blessing that God allows us the privilege to communicate directly with Him through prayer anytime 24/7 with no appointment necessary. What an amazing gift. –
When I am overwhelmed, and even at my wit’s end, I pray. When the situation is out of my control, I pray. When I am seemingly lost and destitute, I pray. When I am in need of anything, I pray.
I pray because I believe that the God of all creation hears me when I call out to Him. He desires for me to pray, to talk to Him, and so I do.
If you’ve got a prayer need, I’d love to pray for you – private message me with your request.
If you don’t want to share, I invite you in the quiet of your own time and space to call out to the One who already knows the burdens you bear, He’s ready and willing to listen.
Until next time, dear reader…