Wednesday Wisdom :: Your Story
Your story is unique to you.
I heard this recently at a conference Andrew and I attended and I made a point to write it down for both of us because I didn’t want it to go in one ear and out the other, as most things at conferences do.
As I pondered the statement written at the top of my notepad this morning, I thought about how my story is uniquely mine, and probably very different from yours. You probably didn’t grow up in Middle Georgia, the area dubbed “the armpit of the South”, with a brother nicknamed “Tank”. These things I cannot make up.
You may or may not have flipped your first vehicle at the age of 17 and didn’t drive most of your Senior year of high school because you just didn’t want to. I mean, I had friends that were willing to drive me places, so…
Your spouse also probably didn’t pick you out of a crowd based on the blue purse you were carrying that unforgettable night you met…and yes, I still have the blue purse.
You may or may not have children, that may or may not sleep all night long, or go to school during this crazy time in our universe. Mine are virtually learning for those that can empathize.
Our stories may be similar in some areas, but we are all uniquely created AND we have unique upbringing and life stories that, combined all together forge who we are as an individual.

The world revolves because you have your fantastic story and I have mine and somehow together we can share similarities and differences and it’s so good and valuable. I don’t expect your story to match mine – either past, present or future – because if it did, that would be incredibly boring and if you had a brother everyone called “Tank” that would just be weird.
I use my blog to share parts and pieces of my story. I’ve shared some things from my past and I share often about the present {usually about my kids}. Sometimes, when I am feeling hopeful, I may share about what I hope for the future. All in all, I hope you enjoy the writings I leave you in my little piece of the internet world.
Today, enjoy your story because it is uniquely yours.
Oh, and if you missed the post from Monday, just a few days left to get in on that Cultivate What Matters 2021 Powersheets Planner!
until next time dear reader…