Welcome Home, Bleu
Friends, Bleu has officially joined our rambunctious family!
Tuesday Andrew and I made the two-ish hour drive to Pickens, SC to pick up our sweet boy. He was asleep with a brother and sister when we arrived…and though it somewhat tugged at my heart to remove him from his family, I am so excited for him to join ours!

The drive home was very uneventful, with a little whimpering and a lot of snuggles, we made it home in no time.
I took Bleu to each of the kids’ schools to pick them up, and videoed their reactions. First up was Reynolds. I saw one of the after care teachers as I walked up to the school with Bleu and with a smile on her face, she told me how excited Reynolds was and that he had told her “If you see a lady walking up with a puppy, that’s my new dog.” So cute. And yes, I’m okay being replaced by a puppy for a little bit.
I let her know that I wanted to video his reaction to seeing Bleu, so upon opening the door to the school, she called him to get his bag and come to the door. Big smile on his face, both he and his school mates were thrilled to see Bleu. They were all hands on Bleu!

Next up was Eliza Jane and her reaction was by far the best, with jumping up and down from a good 25 yards away! She and all her friends were wide-eyed and giggling over our new puppy. And I am convinced that she thinks he is her new baby.

Between both Eliza Jane and Emory, they just want to hold Bleu.
The last reaction was Emory’s. His sweet little class was outside playing when we found him. He saw Bleu and all he would say was, “Lemme hold da puppy”, with arms open wide. At the school, I put Bleu down on the ground and he immediately started chasing our three kiddos around. Emory fell down and Bleu promptly hopped on him. Laughing hysterically, I think they were all so very excited about this sweet little guy that has come to be a part of our family.

{I don’t have a photo yet of Emory and Bleu…they’re both a little wiggly…}

Isn’t he the cutest little guy? He’s so stinking sweet. Except for the middle of the night when everyone wants to sleep. ha! Currently Andrew and I are in the ‘newborn’ phase, and while last night was MUCH better than our first night with him {there wasn’t much sleep at all}, we are still very tired. Yes, we have begun training him with both his crate and the laundry room area, which will both be ‘his’ places of respite..but as you know that takes some time. In the interim, we’ll be getting lots of puppy snuggles…let me know if you need some too! He’s definitely up for visitors!
Meanwhile, yesterday was the first day of Spring, and though it was a little chilly here in SC, it was a beautiful day! Today promises a little more sunshine and warmer temps so I hope you’re able to get outside wherever you may be.
As I leave you today, remember that THIS is a wonderful day. Psalm 118:24
Until next time…