That’s what you hear when you start your tour of Sandals Emerald Bay on the island of Great Exuma in the Bahamas…”Welcome to Paradise.”
From my post last night, it took us going around our elbows and back again to get there, but it was majestic when we arrived. The sun was shining brightly, it was hot {and humid like the South}, but it was glorious.
They seriously have some of the most beautiful Bougainvillea I’ve ever seen. And it grows immensely!This is where we ate dinner the first night. Tidbits: Wear the OFF! provided in the room or else you’ll be eaten up by sand fleas….and, eat after the sun goes down…the flies like the food!
Sunrise the first morning. I woke up around 6:30 🙂 It was still 84 degrees out…
I almost forgot this one! It’s a collage photo from our night at the “French” restaurant…the food was AMAZING!!!
This is approximately where I got stuck on Monday on a paddle board…. We’d come way out {farther than we probably should have} and about the time we were ready to go back to shore, the winds/waves had shifted and I pretty much got pushed up against this cliff. It was awesome. Even more great was that apparently a shark {nurse} had been hanging out in this area. Thankfully {!!!} we didn’t see it, and we didn’t know it until a couple of days later. #holyheckhahahaha 😀
I don’t know what this is, but I would like one….the flowering vine. It is absolutely beautiful!
We had a fantastic time…see you soon {hopefully}, Exuma!!!
When we drove into Blue Ridge Saturday afternoon to check the restaurant situation, never did I dream that the shopping would be so wonderful! I took note of all the places I wanted to check out when we came back ‘to town’ on Monday and today I’m sharing some of those favorites with you! Disclaimer:…
Over the years I would often wonder what people enjoyed so much about going to the mountains. Call me naive, ignorant, whatever you will. I just couldn’t understand, with kids especially, why you would go and what on earth would you do. Being in the middle of no where with small children seemed like a…
Today is day three of vacation at Disney. We are taking it slow today while Daddy ziplines over some gators {I practically begged him not to do it, but left him to his own decision-making, however dangerous that can be at times…}. He tagged me in this Facebook photo as I pushed two zonked-out babies…
I really cannot tell y’all how great my morning was today. It was spectacular! Fantastic-o! Amazing. I’ve shared with y’all in the past that Reynolds’ most favorite book {that has now been torn to pieces…} is ‘Big Red Barn’. He loves talking about all the animals, “The sheep and the donkeys, the geese and the…
Oh my. Y’all must think we are crazy. Its Andrew, not me. Any crazy fun idea usually comes from him. {insert laughing/crying face emoji} Just a week before Reynolds’ Spring Break, Andrew says to me at 8:30pm…something like this:“So I was thinking about this Spring Break thing, and what if we did a road trip?…
There’s that old saying, and Vanessa Williams song, Save the Best for Last. And when I say that this trip truly saved the best for last, it did. I was seven the last time I was at Disney. I have very few memories that I can recall about Disney from that age…one being riding Space…