Where I’ve Been
Goodness, y’all. It’s been two weeks since I last posted and boy, has it been busy! If you’re following along on our Lucas Properties Insta or FB, you’ve seen me at the #lakehousereno most days trying to get that project finished!
Also, my website got hacked! So I had to call in my smart IT friend, Jeremiah to help me get those hackers o.u.t. But while that was going on, I wasn’t able to post or do much with C&C.
The last thing that’s consumed my time is IF:Gathering that is happening THIS weekend at our home church, so ladies if you’re looking for some good old fashioned worship with your gal pals – there’s still time to register! All the fun starts this Friday evening around 6:30.
Alrighty…today is Tuesday and I really wanted to do Unit 2 of the Kitchen series, but I wanted to tell y’all that I have started Whole30 because I need your accountability and encouragement because I know this.is.going.to.be.hard. Day one was yesterday and it will last this entire month. As my bff, Ann would say, “why are you doing this?”
It’s because I am a carb fanatic. Behind sugar, it’s my next nemesis.
I am able to conquer sugar more easily now that I’ve done the #40daysugarfast for several years. But I’ve never done anything that took carbs away. So, I’m challenging myself to learn a new way of cooking and eating. And also hoping for some changes with how my clothes fit {hello quarantine 15?}
If you’ve never heard of Whole30, it’s a change in eating that removes all pasta, flour, sugar, alcohol, legumes, dairy, etc.
Now, if you didn’t think I was crazy before, what say you now? hahaha
My friend Kari and I are doing this challenge together and last night she sent me a message asking how day one went. I thought to myself, day one was easy. It will be days 7-12 that will test my every will to stay the course, and then days 25-30 to “finish the drill.”
Anyone else relate to starting strong and then falling off the wagon? I don’t want to fall off the wagon with this one.
If you’ve got any words of wisdom, encouragement or recopies, I’m all ears!
Meanwhile, here’s a photo of last night’s dinner…french toast + bacon for the family, a bed of spinach, two poached eggs, bacon, avocado + salsa for me!

So far, I’m winning, but check in on me next week. 😉
Until next time…